Applying for Radiology
Entry into interventional radiology occurs at an ST4 level.
Trainees must first obtain a Clinical Radiology position at ST1, and once core radiology training has been completed, apply locally for ST4-ST6 training in IR. Each deanery their own local application process for IR selection, although London training schemes are conducted via a pan-London application scheme.
Of recent, there have been direct IR run-through themed Radiology posts that have opened up across the country in places like Nottingham, Wessex, London, Birmingham etc..
Applications for ST1 Clinical Radiology training are becoming more and more competitive each year (11:1 ratio in 2024). Here, we have written a guide on the application process and each of the components within it to help you through the process.
Portfolio Breakdown 2023/2024
MSRA 20%
Interview 50%
Portfolio 30%
Portfolio: ​Scores out of 45 points
​Commitment to specialty ​- 10 points
Leadership - 7 points
Teaching - 5 points
Teaching Qualification - 5 points
Audit & QI - 7 points
Academic - 5 points
Prizes - 6 points
General Resources
Radiology Cafe. The most comprehensive resource on the Radiology application & a must read for all applicants.
MSRA question banks
MCQ Bank
Interview courses
Hammersmith Radiology ST1 Interview Preparation Courses
Radiology Recipes
Interview books
Radiology Interview: The Definitive Guide With Over 500 Interview Questions For ST Radiology Training Interviews: Volume 4 (CT/ST Medical Interview Guides)
Medical Interviews - A Comprehensive Guide to CT, ST and Registrar Interview Skills (Third Edition) Over 120 Medical Interview Questions, Techniques, and NHS Topics Explained